Discover faith, community, and purpose at St. Augustine's Church. Join our Alpha Course.

Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, everyone's invited.

To date, over 20,000,000 people have tried Alpha in over 100 countries and 100 different languages. Our course will make use of the brilliant Alpha film series. Each Thursday evening, you will be welcomed with a hot or cold drink, home-made cake, or fruit for those who prefer. The first part of the evening is a chance to get in, relax, and catch-up with the other people there ...who by week 3 will feel like old friends! Then Rev Dave will introduce the video before a time of discussion.


The course usually runs for 10 weeks, but you are welcome just to come along to the first one and see what it's all about - for free, with no pressure to come back.


Themes covered include...


Is there more to life than this?

Who is Jesus?

Why did Jesus die?

How can I have faith?

Why and How do I pray?

Why and How should I read the Bible?

How does God guide us?

Why and How should I tell others?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

How can I make the most of the rest of my life?

What about the Church?


We've just finished running Alpha, but there will be another course soon.  To register your interest, please email Rev Dave using the email address:


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