Tower Captain: Stephen Halliwell Tel: 01702 549047
Bellringing is a very traditional and very social activity and we are always looking for new people to join us. You don't need to attend church regularly and our practice sessions take
place on a Wednesday evening, Beginners Practice is at 7 - 7:45pm. So if you're aged 9 - 90, don't mind climbing a few stairs and you'd like to give it a go, or would just like to see how it's
done, please feel free to come and take a look either at one of the practice sessions, or before a Sunday 10 am service (its best to turn up at about 09:30 am to see the ringers in action).
If you'd like to know a little bit more about bell ringing before taking the plunge, try the central council of church bell ringers website which is here