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If you know who you would like to contact...

Vicar Reverend David Willis 01702 587597 vicar@st-augustines.info
Churchwardens Tricia Muzalewski 01702 296284 tricia@st-augustines.info
  Paul Chisnell 01702 624429 paul@st-augustines.info
Assistant Clergy  Fr Frank Smith  01702 586680  
  Fr Stephen Burdett 01702 294454  
Treasurer Colin Russell 01702 585360 colinrussell39@outlook.com
Organist and Choir Dr Lorraine Evertt 01702 586803 laeverett@gmail.com
Website Barbara Black 07969099396 barbarablack29@gmail.com
Church Hall Bookings Angela Cusick 07511802712 staugustineshall@gmail.com
Safeguarding Linda Barnard   lindamarybarnard@yahoo.co.uk
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© St Augustine's Church Thorpe Bay