Christmas 2024

We really hope that you and your family will be able to join us for a service over the festive season.


Sunday 1st December 

6:30pm  -  Advent Carol Service.  A special service on the theme of light, marking the begining of the season. 


Saturday 7th December 

7:30pm  -  Deanery Orchestra Christmas concert.


Tuesday 10th December 

2pm  -  The Afternoon Carol Service.  A special service for anyone who would find coming to a later, busier, more formal carol service a challenge.  Dementia friendly. 


Tuesday 10th December 

7:30pm  -  RNLI Carol Service.  All are warmly invited to join with membes and supporters of the Southend Lifeboat Station for a carol service followed by mince pies and mulled wine.


Wednesday 18th December 

6pm  -  Southend-on-Sea City Council Carol Service.


Friday 20th December 

7pm  -  Community Carols outside the church.  Come and sing come favourite carols.  Bring a torch, and enjoy a mince pie and a cup of mulled wine.


Sunday 22nd December 

6:30pm  -  Christmas Carol Service.  A traditional service of nine lessons and carols. 


Christmas Eve

3pm  -  Crib service.

5pm  -  Crib service.

11:30pm  -  Midnight Mass.


Christmas Day

8am  -  BCP Holy Communion.

10am  -  Christmas Day Holy Communion Service.

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© St Augustine's Church Thorpe Bay