At the beginning of the new year, we took delivery of some lovely new chairs. These very comfortable upholstered chairs were purchased thanks to the generosity of Philip Dean who left a wonderful gift in his will to the church for more comforatbale seating. The new chairs are upholstered in a lovely deep red colour which matches the existing fabric in the chancel and behind the altar. They lift and warm the church, and are a lot more comfortable than the old ones. Some of the nerw chairs have arms to aim our less mobile members of the congregation. We hope that you agree that they are a lovely addition to the church.
The old chairs (most of which had served 90 years) went to company who will find new homes for the ones that are in a good enough condition.
At the same time as receiving the new chairs, we took the oportunity to update the refreshments area and move and refurnish the children's area. This was made possible thanks to a generous gift in memory of Mary Mann.